Your Gift Makes Everything our Library Does Possible
Because you care about information, ideas, knowledge and the power of community, you help ensure that the Mystic & Noank Library continues to be a vital and vibrant resource and gathering place for all.
Ongoing support from our community is more important than ever. The Mystic & Noank Library receives less than 30% of our annual funding from state and local government allocations. Each year we rely on generous donations and our endowment to supply 70% of our annual operating expenses in order to maintain the same high quality programs and services for our patrons. Can we count on you being part of the 70%?
Your gift will help us continue to enrich the lives of everyone who comes through our doors.
To contribute online:
Please visit our fundraising page here.
The Library is a registered 501(c)(3) cultural institution, and gifts are fully deductible under federal tax regulations. The Library is also eligible for corporate matching gifts.
To contribute via check or cash:
Please send to: Mystic & Noank Library, 40 Library Street, Mystic, CT 06355 Attention: Development
Mystic & Noank Library's tax ID# is 06-0709292.
Please contact us with any questions at (860) 536-7721 or at
Thank you for your generous support!