Give a Gift of Stocks or IRA Rollover Funds
The Mystic & Noank Library gladly accepts the transfer of appreciated securities directly from you or from your broker.
Stock Transfer Instructions
Gifts of stocks held at a brokerage can be electronically transferred by your financial agent using the DTC automated transfer system.
1. Please instruct your broker to transfer stock into our Vanguard account at:
Account Name: Mystic & Noank Library
The Vanguard DTC #: 0062
The M&N Library Brokerage Account #: 78762006
The M&N Library Tax ID # 06-0709292
2. We request that you or your broker notify us of the name of the stock being transferred, the number of shares, and the date you requested the transfer.
3. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call our agent, Angelo Spanodemos at (516) 668-6175 or or Development Lead at or (860) 536-7721.
The date of the gift for tax-purposes is defined as the day the gift is released by an agent to the Library's account. The value of the exchange-listed securities for tax purposes is the average price as quoted by the markets on that date.
Charitable IRA Rollovers
If you are 72 or older and need to take a required minimum distribution from your IRA, the Charitable IRA Rollover is a great way to make your annual gift (up to $100,000 per year). Your gift will need to be made directly from your IRA and can count toward your annual required minimum distribution.
Your tax-free rollover gift will be excluded from your gross income.
Instruct your IRA custodian to make your Charitable IRA Rollover gift payable to
Mystic & Noank Library. MNL’s tax ID number is 06-0709292.
Please ensure they include your name on the check.
Have your IRA custodian send your gift to: Mystic & Noank Library
Attn: Development Lead | 40 Library Street | Mystic, CT 06355
To learn more, please contact Development Lead Ellen Warfield at (860) 536-7721 or ewarfield@mysticnoanklibrary.
Thank you for your support!